Liverpool Clinical Laboratories are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) under the organisation name of Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust (LUFHT) as this is the legal entity responsible for regulated laboratory activities.

The laboratories are accredited in accordance with the recognised International Standard ISO 15189:2012 Medical Laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope as specified in the UKAS schedule for each laboratory published on the UKAS website. The schedule provides details of accredited tests and identifies the locations covered and relevant activities.

To view the most recent issue of each schedule of accreditation click on the following link search the accreditation numbers as listed below.

UKAS Medical
Laboratory No.
Blood Sciences9785
Clinical Immunology9747
Cellular Pathololgy7924
Blood Sciences (Aintree Site)9775

Where new tests or procedures require accreditation by UKAS, users will be informed and information will be provided in the laboratory handbook.

Schedules on the website will be updated as new tests or procedures become accredited and non-accredited tests removed.

To view a list of LCL tests and services not currently UKAS accredited please click here


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