Anti-A and Anti-B Titres for ABO Incompatible Renal Transplants
(Blood Transfusion)
Investigation : Anti-A and Anti-B Titres for ABO Incompatible Renal Transplants
Specimen type : EDTA
Spec container : BT tube 
Turnaround : As required - Contact The Transfusion Laboratory

To be done on one 7.5ml EDTA sample (special Blood Transfusion tube).

Care must be taken not to cause haemolysis during the phlebotomy as this may result in the sample being unsuitable for use.

The request card must be fully completed including the Titre to be performed Anti-A / Anti-B or both.

Patient case numbers should be prefixed with RQ6 (for RLUH). Failure to add this prefix will lead to sample rejection


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