FK506 \ Tacrolimus
Investigation : FK506 \ Tacrolimus
Specimen type : Plasma
Spec container : EDTA 
Volume required : 4 mL
Turnaround : <72 hours
Tacrolimus is also a calcineurin inhibitor and it's interpretation is complex. Trough levels may vary depending on the clinical scenario, such as illness or type of transplant, concomitant immunosuppression, time post-transplant and dosage regime.

For further information the appropriate clinical team/s looking after the patient should be contacted

As a guide for interpretation of tacrolimus levels see suggested thresholds from the Post-Operative Care in the Kidney Transplant Recipient BTS/UKRA Guidelines 2017:

An additional consideration is that mistiming of sampling in relation to medication can cause unexpected high/low levels of tacrolimus and are not true trough levels

Information on safe prescribing of tacrolimus can be found here

See TDM information.


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