HLA-Specific Antibody Characterisation
(H & I)
Investigation : HLA-Specific Antibody Characterisation
Investigations HLA-Specific Antibody Characterisation
Inform lab before sending Testing as a reflex test following 3 monthly antibody screening. For urgent renal patient samples please contact the Consultant Clinical Scientist in the first instance.
Specimen type Patient:
  • 10ml clotted blood
  • Ideal time to take specimen Samples are routinely screened for renal patients on a 3 monthly basis with testing taking place in January, April, July, and October ,characterisation is performed in accordance with renal transplant policy following initial screening.
    Labelling requirements click here
    How to take the specimen no preservative
    Transport to the laboratory see H&I General Information Page
    Test Times Renal patient samples are required on a three monthly basis to keep an up to date immunological history for each patient.
    Turnround 4 weeks
    Additional information Antibody specificities determined using this test will be added to patient records held at ODT for considering during the organ allocation process.

    The assay uses recombinanant single HLA antigen beads coupled to microspheres and analysed using the Luminex platform.
    Additional Examination Requests A primary sample must be received for this test


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