Homogentisic Acid
Investigation : Homogentisic Acid
Specimen type : Urine (24hr)
Volume required : Full collection or 10ml aliquot
Turnaround : <14 days

Transport information: Acidified urine samples can be transported in 1st class post; unacidified urine must be transported frozen.

Additional information on Homogentisic Acid and its clinical use can be found here: Homogentisic Acid.

This analysis is performed as part of the National AKU Service in-house. For further information please contact:
Anna Milan via email on anna.milan@rlbuht.nhs.uk or T: 0151 706 4011.
Andy Hughes via email on andrew.t.hughes@rlbuht.nhs.uk or T: 0151 706 4833.


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