Post- haematopoietic stem cell transplant monitoring (chimerism analysis)
(H & I)
Investigation : Post- haematopoietic stem cell transplant monitoring (chimerism analysis)
Investigations Post- haematopoietic stem cell transplant monitoring (chimerism analysis)
Inform lab before sending Required. This test is manually intensive so the laboratory requires advance notice to allow for effective workload management
Specimen type Patient:
  • Up to 40ml EDTA required depending on the white cell count of the patients. If unsure users are encouraged to contact the laboratory prior to taking the sample. Alternatively chimerism monitoring can be undertaken on bone marrow aspirate
  • Ideal time to take specimen The laboratory requests that samples arrive in the laboratory by 12pm so that DNA can be extracted on the same working day.
    Labelling requirements click here
    How to take the specimen Whole blood into EDTA
    Transport to the laboratory see H&I General Information Page
    Test Times As clinically indicated
    Turnround 7 days. This test is monitored as a laboratory performance indicator.
    Additional information Post-transplant chimerism monitoring can be performed on whole blood or bone marrow aspirate samples. The user can also request lineage specific chimerism analysis to be undertaken, usually in the form of T-cell (CD3) lineage specific chimerism analysis.
    Additional Examination Requests A primary sample must be received for this test


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