Zinc Protoporphyrin
Investigation : Zinc Protoporphyrin
As from Monday 2 April 2007, Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) tests will no longer be performed.

The decision was made to withdraw this test to improve Laboratory Health and Safety standards which currently strongly encourages the use of a close vial system.

ZPP testing is an open vial procedure involving the use of sharps and as such is not compliant with Laboratory Health and Safety standards.

Clinically, the benefits of ZPP in aiding the diagnosis of iron deficiency has not been firmly established and indeed the ZPP level can be falsely elevated in other conditions such as anaemia of chronic disease and haemoglobinopathies. The role of ZPP therefore cannot be used as a definitive diagnosis of iron deficiency which can only be established by iron studies. A reduced MCV is also a strong indicator of iron deficiency.


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