| Biochemistry |
to 6 hours old the following tests can
be added: Up
to 24 hours old the following tests
can be added: Up
to 48 hours old the following tests can be added: Up to 5 days the following tests can be added: Sodium Trop T Urea & Creatinine Lipids Potassium Liver profile (excluding Bilirubin) TFTs Bicarbonate Insulin & c-peptide Bone Profile LH/FSH/Prolactin Chloride Digoxin Cortisol CKMB Oestrogen Testosterone DHEAS Progesterone Amylase Tumour Markers Magnesium Urate
Any tests that exceed the stated allowed time or are not included in the table must be discussed with the Duty Biochemist on ext 4236
It is departmental policy not to accept/perform add-on requests since the integrity of the sample cannot be guaranteed and a repeat specimen with another request form should be sent. However, exceptions to this policy can be made for precious samples or where the patient cannot be re-bled.