Chlamydia trachomatis
Investigations Chlamydia trachomatis (CT)
There are 15 serovars of C. trachomatis and these are associated with infections of the eye, neonatal pneumonia, and sexually transmitted infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, epididymitis, and proctitis.

Molecular Tests
Inform lab before sending No
Specimen type First void urine: Collected using the Cobas Urine Collection Kit or in a suitable sterile container.
Swabs: Collected using the Cobas Swab Collection Kits.
First void urine is the recommended specimen type for males.
Vulvovaginal swab is the recommended specimen type for females.
Ideal time to take specimen  
Labelling requirements click here
How to take the specimen  
Transport to the laboratory If transport is delayed then store at +4°C
Test Times Daily
Turnround 5 working days
Additional information Note this is a dual target assay and all samples will be tested for C. trachomatis AND N. gonorrhoeae.
A secondary test to confirm CT positive results is no longer routinely performed. Please contact the laboratory if this is required
Bacterial Transport Media (blue swabs), cannot be processed by molecular diagnostic methods.
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