Faeces for Clostridium difficile toxin assay
Investigations Clostridium difficile testing is now performed on the Molecular Enteric Bio platform. This test is not yet accredited by UKAS but the laboratory as a whole is UKAS accredited. This platform has a higher sensitivity and specificity than conventional culture. Positive samples will be confirmed with the conventional method
C. difficile Assay will be performed on:-
  • All patients over 65 years old including GP/non-hospital patients
  • All hospital patients who have diarrhoeal stools, including under 65 years old
  • When it is requested or when the clinical details suggest C. difficile

    C. difficile Assay will NOT be performed on:-
  • Formed stools
  • Patients who have previously tested positive within the last 28 days
  • Inform lab before sending No
    Specimen type Faeces
    Ideal time to take specimen During episode of diarrhoea
    Labelling requirements click here
    How to take the specimen A blue sterile universal container with spoon, a sterile white capped universal, or a sputum pot. The specimen container should not be filled to the brim. A walnut sized portion of stool or about 10ml of liquid faeces is sufficient.
    Transport to the laboratory As soon as possible. If transport is delayed then refrigerate. Delays of over 48hrs are undesirable.
    Test Times Monday to Friday
    Turnround 24 hours
    Additional information It is important to provide full clinical details
    Additional Examination Requests Please ensure that any requests for additional investigations on the specimen are made within 7 days from the date of the original request.


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