Full Blood Count
Investigation : Full Blood Count
Spec container : EDTA 
Volume required : 4 ml
Turnaround : < 2 hours

In April 2013 the units of measurement for the tests in a Full Blood Count were changed to those of the National Pathology Harmonisation Standardisation project.

Full Blood Count Technical Enquiries - ext 4341
Test Examination Reference Range Units Comments
Male Female
Hb Haemoglobin 130-180 120-160 g/L
RBC* Red Blood Cell Count 4.4-6.0 4.2-5.4 x1012/L * not normally reported
HCT Haematocrit/ Packed Cell Volume 0.38-0.51 0.34-0.47 L/L
MCV Mean Cell Volume 80-100 80-100 fL
MCH* Mean Cell Haemoglobin 27-33 27-33 pg * not normally reported
MCHC* Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration 320-370 320-370 g/L * not normally reported
RDW* Red Cell Distribution Width 11.5-15.7 11.5-15.7 % * not normally reported
PLTS Platelets 140-450 140-450 x109/L
MPV* Mean Platelet Volume 7.2 7.2 fL * not normally reported
WBC White Blood Cell Count 4.0-11.0 4.0-11.0 x109/L
NEUT Neutrophils 1.9-8.0 1.9-8.0 x109/L
LYMPH Lymphocytes 0.9-4.5 0.9-4.5 x109/L
MONO Monocytes 0.16-1.0 0.16-1.0 x109/L
EOSIN Eosinophils 0.0-0.8 0.0-0.8 x109/L
BASO Basophils 0.0-0.2 0.0-0.2 x109/L
Reticulocytes 0.2-2.0 0.2-2.0 %
Reticulocytes 20-110 2-110 x109/L
Nucleated Red Blood Cells <0.3 <0.3 x109/L

Reference ranges taken from Barbara Bain - A Practical Guide

Prior to 02/04/2013 the references ranges for a full blood count were link.

All Specimens- Misleading results can occur if the specimen is not properly collected stored or transported. Misleading results can occur if specimens contain clots. Misleading results can occur if the specimen is not properly mixed.


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