Legionella / Pneumococcal antigens
Routine testing of urinary antigens has been shown to have limited clinical impact and LCL is now restricting testing in line with European guidance. This test will be automatically performed on samples sent from critical care, high care AMU, ventilated units or upon infectionist recommendation. Outside of this, if there is an epidemiological or clinical need for testing please discuss with the microbiology consults teams. (Available in hours on bleep 5614 (AUH) or 4797 (RLH). Out of hours please contact the on-call microbiology team via switchboard.) Untested samples will be discarded after 48 hours.

Investigation Legionella / Pneumococcal antigens
Inform lab before sending Yes - discuss with Consultant Microbiologist
Specimen type Mid stream urine (MSU)
Specimen container
Sterile leak proof universal container
Labelling requirements Click here for details.
Volume 5 - 10ml
Transport to the laboratory If transport is delayed then refridgerate sample. Delays of over 48 hours are undesirable
Turnround 24 hours


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