Results are autoauthorised if they are within preset ranges
and have no instrument flags. Ranges have been discussed and approved
by senior scientists and consultant staff. Results outside these ranges
are scrutinised by qualified staff and authorised by the duty
Scientist/Medic or Consultant. Comments may be appended and additional
analyses undertaken based on the clinical details provided and on previous results.
Whilst internal and external quality assurance programmes are in
operation to ensure accuracy and precision of results, occasionally
random errors may occur and escape detection. The clinician is often
best placed to detect such errors. Therefore if you doubt the validity
of a result, it is vital that you contact the relevant 'Advice/Interpretation'
extension at once so that we can investigate and re-test samples
whenever possible.
Please remember that certain factors may affect and possibly
invalidate some test results, causing potential biological and analytical
interference. For example, blood transfusion and other intravenous fluids,
antibiotics, anticoagulants, drugs, timing of specimen in relation to drug dose,
type of tube. Please remember to give details of recent or current treatment on the request forms.
PLEASE NOTE: The H&I laboratory does not release any results without prior authorisation from the Consultant Clinical Scientist or designated scientific staff.