Genital Ulcer PCR
Investigations HSV 1&2 and Treponema pallidum or Syphilis are common STIs usually causing skin and mucosal ulceration. Neurological complication may arise from CNS infections, leading to significant morbidity and mortality particularly within HIV positive and immunocompromised patients. Infections in pregnant women may cause severe congenital defects in neonates or stillbirth. Accurate and timely detections of these pathogens would ensure appropriate treatment is prescribed, reducing the spread of infection and severity of pathology.
Inform lab before sending No
Specimen type Swabs: Use the Sigma-Virocult swab (GREEN CAPPED) or REMEL swab (RED CAPPED) collection kits.
Inform Lab before sending No, except for URGENT SAMPLES. Contact the laboratory on 0151 706 4410 to request urgent testing. The laboratory will aim to provide same day results for samples received in the laboratory before 9am, otherwise, the sample will be processed the next working day.
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How to take the specimen For investigation of genital ulcers, use a sterile swab to swab the ulcer.
Transport to the laboratory If transport is delayed then store at +4°C
Test Times PCR: Daily
Turnround HSV PCR: 3 working days
Additional information Bacterial Transport Media (blue swabs), cannot be processed by molecular diagnostic methods.
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